The Sunset

Your second sun shines so bright
But what happens when it turns to night

And the veil of darkness overcomes you
What will you do

Well you have to wait it out
You don’t have time to pout
For with darkness comes monsters

These monsters are like no other
You can’t run from them so don’t bother

And when you are found
All curled up in a mound
You will be hurt

But when they hurt you they get hurt too
They want to hurt you so what do they do

Despite the pain they continue on
And you are woebegone

Even through all the pain they persist
Then they have a revelation and open their fist
If you share pain what happens if you care

It was an odd idea at first
Now everything can be reversed

You help each other
You feel like a mother
And you have made peace

What you don’t realize is that you have actually made peace with yourself. All this time you were hurting yourself and all you had to do was love. Love in yourself and things seem… brighter. When your second sun isn’t around you can carry a light. A light called independence. It’ll help you when you are alone. Shine it when you have doubt, or when you feel uncertain. This light will lead you down the right path. And maybe you’ll see your new friends along the way.

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